Happy Maybe Podcast

A conversational podcast where two friends share their insights on the winding journey of life.

About The Project

Is happiness something we are entitled to?

Having a shared experience as expats, two close friends, Vasily and Nikita, often have conversations that leave them feeling inspired and connected. Their friendship gives them a sense of support as they talk about what matters in life, share personal struggles, and trade honest feedback. So much so they decided to start recording their conversations in hopes that others would find solace in knowing they are not alone in their struggles.

Contact Us

Email [email protected].

Why “Happy Maybe”?

The hosts believe that there’s more to life than trying to be happy. The ongoing discussion is framed from this perspective. The title of the podcast ironically underscores the impermanent nature of happiness. It has evolved from the original title of “Happiness Is Not Guaranteed.”

Our Promise

It is the promise of this podcast to remain as honest as possible. Every episode touches upon something that has personal meaning and importance to the hosts. The conversations flow naturally and may sometimes take unexpected turns or feel incomplete. They, however, are always real.
